We are delighted to announce a new project which is a partnership between Wales and Uganda. We have received funding from the Welsh government administered by Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) under the Wales for Africa program, to work with Sebei Community Empowerment Project in Uganda to tackle the practice of FGM.

The project aims to contribute to the elimination of FGM in the Sebei region of Eastern Uganda through community education and awareness raising. The benefits include creating a team of community advocates that incorporate schools, traditionally trained mid wives (traditional birth attendants) and opinion leaders who will spearhead the project and manage the outcomes.
The overall outcome of the project is a reduction in violence against women and girls (VAWG) which includes FGM, attitudinal change and confidence to challenge harmful cultural practices. Long term impact is to realise a reduction of FGM in the Sebei region by 55% within 10 years.
The project will contribute to the Wellbeing of future generations Act 2015 by equipping teachers in Wales with information and knowledge to identify girls at risk of FGM and address safeguarding issues for young BME girls. It will also strengthen Bawso’s role in providing services across Wales in support of women from BME communities and create opportunities for learning between Wales and Uganda.
“I am thrilled to announce that Bawso has secured funding through the Welsh Government’s Wales and Africa programme, empowering organisations in Wales to embark on projects aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This collaboration is poised to bring substantial benefits to both Wales and Africa.
– Tina Fahm, Bawso CEO
Our groundbreaking initiative, the Bawso-Sebei project, is set to make a significant impact on eradicating Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the Sebei region of Uganda. Through strategic partnerships with local community groups and schools, we aim to achieve a remarkable 55% reduction in FGM within the next decade.
Together, we are committed to fostering positive change and contributing to a safer, more equitable world.”