We are delighted to announce new funding from Esmee Fairbairn Foundation towards policy and influencing work. There are many changes taking place within the legislative landscape in the UK that have a direct impact on women victims of abuse and violence from minority ethnic backgrounds. The funding supports Bawso’s work ensuring that the voices of survivors are heard and incorporated in policy development and current practice.
The funding will also enable Bawso to continue championing and advocating for the rights of women, victims of domestic abuse, violence, and exploitation. It will contribute to existing practice by raising awareness on domestic abuse and violence from a minority ethnic perspective that improves knowledge among service providers, enabling them to intervene in a timely manner and provide a service that meets support needs of victims and survivors. We will also work with universities on research that puts the needs of victims and service users at the heart of research and policy development.
Past funding has contributed to work that led to additional funding from the Welsh Government towards supporting victims of abuse with no recourse to public funds, publication of a research report on understanding forced marriage within minority ethnic communities in Wales among other work achieved on the project.
To access a copy of our research report, please follow the link here and follow us on social media for more insights on our work.