دستياب 24 ڪلاڪ هڪ ڏينهن، هفتي ۾ 7 ڏينهن

باوسو ڪهاڻيون: ذاتي تاريخ جا نشان

Event details:

Date and time: Wednesday, November 13 · 11am – 12:30pm GMT

Location: St. Fagans National Museum of HistorySt. Fagans National Museum of History Cardiff CF5 6XB

‘Bawso Stories: Landmarks of Personal History’ is a screening of a series of short films followed by a panel conversation. The short films, ‘Bawso Stories’, celebrate the lives and experiences of BME women who have travelled to Wales from across the world.

Using Amgueddfa Cymru’s objects and sites as starting points, the stories are conversation-starters about memories and personal moments from across the landscape of Wales. Together, the Bawso Stories draw attention to marginalised and under-represented experiences. The Stories challenge ideas about heritage and belonging, and build a picture of a rich and diverse Wales.

These stories were co-produced during a year-long project between USW’s George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling, Bawso (the only pan Wales specialist domestic abuse organisation dedicated to supporting BME survivors of violence), and Amgueddfa Cymru (Museum Wales).

This event is part of Being Human Festival, the UK’s national festival of the humanities, taking place 7–16 November 2024. Led by the School of Advanced Study, University of London, with generous support from Research England, in partnership with the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the British Academy. For further information please see beinghumanfestival.org.

Mae ‘Straeon Bawso: Cerrig Milltir mewn Hanes Personol’ yn ddangosiad o gyfres o ffilmiau byrion ac wedyn trafodaeth banel. Mae’r ffilmiau byrion, ‘Straeon Bawso’, yn dathlu bywydau a phrofiadau menywod Du, Asiaidd ac Ethnig Leiafrifol sydd wedi teithio i Gymru o bedwar ban byd.

Gan ddefnyddio gwrthrychau a safleoedd Amgueddfa Cymru fel mannau cychwyn, mae’r straeon yn cychwyn sgyrsiau am atgofion ac eiliadau personol ledled Cymru. Gyda’i gilydd, mae Straeon Bawso yn tynnu sylw at brofiadau pobl a ymyleiddiwyd a heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol. Mae’r Straeon yn herio syniadau am dreftadaeth a pherthyn, ac yn creu delwedd o Gymru gyfoethog ac amrywiol.

Cyd-gynhyrchwyd y straeon hyn yn ystod prosiect blwyddyn o hyd rhwng Canolfan Adrodd Storïau George Ewart Evans PDC, Bawso (yr unig sefydliad cam-drin domestig arbenigol ledled Cymru sy’n ymroddedig i gefnogi goroeswyr trais Du, Asiaidd ac Ethnig Leiafrifol), ac Amgueddfa Cymru.

Mae’r digwyddiad hwn yn rhan o Ŵyl Being Human Festival, gŵyl genedlaethol y dyniaethau yn y DU, a gynhelir 7–16 Tachwedd 2024. Dan arweiniad yr Ysgol Astudiaethau Uwch, Prifysgol Llundain, gyda chefnogaeth hael gan Research England, mewn partneriaeth â Chyngor Ymchwil y Celfyddydau a’r Dyniaethau a’r Academi Brydeinig. Am fwy o wybodaeth, gweler beinghumanfestival.org.

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